STRICTLY NO COPYING any of our images that posted here or even in our Facebook page. It is solely TheCottonAddict property. Please show some respect and put your own effort in taking your own pictures, instead of copying other sellers photos. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

P/S: Our images here has hidden watermark, whereby it may be visible or invisible to some of your eyes. To those who copied, it can be detected by our intelligent software.


Strictly NO PLAGIARISM is allowed. Please think of your own words on how and what to write, because we crack our head too, so to be fair, lets crack our head together k. Thank you.

P/S: We've a software detecting any plagiarism from our site. =)

Friday, November 11, 2011

FREE Postage up to RM11 pada tarikh 111111 sahaja. =)

Salam kepada semua pelayar TheCottonAddict. Hari ini, tarikhnya begitu cantik, iaitu 111111. Oleh yang demikian, kami ada berita baik buat semua customer TheCottonAddict yang telah membuat pembelian sebelum 11Nov11, anda berpeluang untuk mendapat FREE postage up to RM11 untuk invois dan pembayaran hari ini sahaja, dari pukul 12am - 11.59pm. Terhad kepada 11 customer yang pertama sahaja. Jadi apa tunggu lagi, jangan lepaskan peluang ini, kerana ia jarang sekali berlaku. Ini ibarat ibadat korban daripada salah seorg partner kami, yang sanggup sponsor utk FREE postage khas buat 11 return customer. Harap maklum. =)
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone


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